VeggieRx Vouchers
What are VeggieRx Vouchers?
VeggieRx Vouchers are “prescriptions,” for you and your family to spend on fruits and vegetables for participating in our VeggieRx Nutrition Classes. Use these vouchers as a no-cost opportunity for you and your household to figure out how to eat more fruits and vegetables per person every week.
“The role financial incentive vouchers play in our VeggieRx programs is to grow, increase, and further the connection between what participants are learning from the VeggieRx curriculum and putting those principles and skills into practice as they shop at the farmers market.”
Lyndsi Datangel, Food As Medicine Program Manager
Common Questions
How do I buy fruits and vegetables with my VeggieRx Vouchers?
Your VeggieRx Vouchers are like cash: use them at the individual farm stalls at any farmers’ market listed below, including our Mobile Farmers’ Markets, as you would use regular cash.
Change will not be given for VeggieRx Vouchers.
If you are having trouble selecting produce for the exact amount of your vouchers, let the farmer know – they’ll be happy to help you reach an even total!
What about Market Match?
Market Match is California’s healthy food incentive program, which matches customers’ federal nutrition assistance benefits, like CalFresh (formerly known as food stamps), at farmers’ markets. When customers use their benefits at farmers’ markets, Market Match provides matching funds so that they can buy even more fruits and vegetables. To learn more about the program, visit
Market Match is a program of the Ecology Center and is funded by the California Department of Food and Agriculture through the California Nutrition Incentive Program and by the USDA through the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program, as well as other funders.
The farmer won’t accept my vouchers. What do I do?
If a farmer won’t accept your vouchers as payment, go to the information booth at the market and talk to the Market Manager. Sometimes farmers will send new staff members to the markets who may not have learned about VeggieRx vouchers yet, so the Market Manager will come to the farm stall with you and explain the vouchers to the farmer.
Your vouchers are accepted by all of the farmers selling fruits and vegetables at all of the farmers’ markets listed below.
“…going to the farmers market, you have a voucher and are freely able to put money in something you normally wouldn’t put and just try it just for the sake of maybe I might like this. I did that … I didn’t like some of the fruits, but at least I tried it, even asking the farmer, ‘How do you prepare it, what do you do ?’
VeggieRx Class Participant